Free Tarot Reading (191 decks, 9 reading types)
Here you can select any of 191 tarot decks and 9 types of readings, to play a game of tarot with for free.
Use the menu at the top of this web game to select a different deck or reading type.
If a card is upside down, that is the common notation for the opposite meaning of the card, also known as the "negative" or "reversed" meaning of the card.
The card decks for this game app, i found on a torrent site one day (a lucky day for me), and of course, as with any "stolen" copyrighted material, i will list the DMCA complaint filing address as part of my compliance with copyright laws that govern my country, right here and now :
8 of Pentacles
The 8 of Pentacles is about keeping up the hard work you're doing, and trying to be happy about doing that work at the same time. While the 3 of Pentacles is about completing a masterpiece, the 8 of Pentacles is about doing the apprentice work that makes you a master of your trade.
Even though everyone gets tempted to just abandon their sometimes boring hard work in search of adventure, now is not the time for you to seek adventure. You'll reap rewards you might not even realize from this hard work, when it's done.
The work you're doing at the moment has become boring to you, as a lot of work often becomes to anyone. You may feel an urge to let your project slide and focus on something new. Consider what you'll gain if you'd complete the boring work, though, before abandoning it or letting what you've accomplished so far degrade by a period of stagnation.
Don't turn your work or project into a prison. A brief period of laziness might serve to bring your attention to new opportunities, related to your project or not.
9 of Swords
The 9 of Swords represents relief from cropped-up grief. The number 9 is a number of reward and rest and accomplishment. In the element of Swords there is not a lot of time for rest, but without any rest you'd just burn yourself out.
Even for men, it is sometimes allowed to cry. Crying can help you get rid of intense cropped up grief, and much improve your outlook on the world.
When this card falls, it is time to deal with grief cropped up over possibly a long time. It's now time to get rid of both the grief and the blockages it's caused in you.
This is not the time for mourning, which you could have been doing for too long now. Try to face the world without negativity.
King of Cups
The King of Cups uses his intuition to achieve his ideals. Since Cups are turned inward, and Kings turned to the outside world, this card might be a difficult one, or it could be a powerful one.
Trust your instincts and intuition, let your ideals show a bit, and don't let the scepticism of others keep you from achieving your ideals.
You're convinced that feelings and what your heart tells you are more important than rationality and cold intellect. You radiate idealism to others, and some of them might follow you because of that.
Don't lose sight of reality, you might be too idealistic at the moment. Try to be practical.
6 of Wands
The 6 of Wands represents victory (over yourself maybe). 6 is the number that represents the rewards of hard work, which you did in card 5. When a 6 of Wands is in your game, you might be feeling a little proud with your accomplishments. But some modesty might help you shine even better.
Ok, show a little pride with your accomplishments. Nothing wrong with that.
Showing self-confidence after your recent victory, means that others might recognize your achievement as well, and grant you the kinds of vibes that will further increase your self-esteem. Be careful not to fall off the horse though!
Now might not be the best time to show too much pride over something that others might not think as valuable as you do.
The Hermit
The Hermit shuts out the world and retreats into solitude to better understand some spiritual aspect of life. He opens to the cosmos and lets it's wisdom sink in. Hermits are often seen as wise old men who can guide a traveller along a journey.
Place in the cycle
The Hermit carries the number 9. This is the highest base number. After 9 the composed numbers emerge. Therefore the number 9 is the gateway to a higher order. It is also a place to rest before embarking on the next leg of the journey.
Rest, but at the same time prepare for the next leg of your journey. Empty your mind of things past, and wait for inspiration to hit you. Wait for a sign, it'll be there in time.
When the card of The Hermit is drawn, it means you can relax a bit and recall the leg of the journey that you have completed. Up to now everything has been guided by your own choices, now it is time to let the universe guide you along the next steps. The card signifies a waiting period.
Don't be too passive, now is not the time to rest.
Reading : Human
The 'Human' reading is designed for a single person, and tell the questioner something about what is important for him/her at the moment the cards are drawn. This reading can often also indicate a good course through difficult terrain.
This reading is valid for about 1 month, and should probably not be drawn more than once a month.