Free Tarot Reading (191 decks, 9 reading types)
Here you can select any of 191 tarot decks and 9 types of readings, to play a game of tarot with for free.
Use the menu at the top of this web game to select a different deck or reading type.
If a card is upside down, that is the common notation for the opposite meaning of the card, also known as the "negative" or "reversed" meaning of the card.
The card decks for this game app, i found on a torrent site one day (a lucky day for me), and of course, as with any "stolen" copyrighted material, i will list the DMCA complaint filing address as part of my compliance with copyright laws that govern my country, right here and now :
Strength is the second of the four midieval values. Justice, card 11, is the first, and the third, Temperance, is card 14.
Place in the cycle
In the Rider-Waite deck, the cards for Justice and Strenght have swapped places, because Waite saw links between the cards and the astrological signs Leo and Libra.
This card carries the number 8, and is the third and final assignment number. This assignment is no longer simple like the first two, but is all about standing upright in the real world.
Stand up for yourself and don't bother yourself with others' opinions of you.
When the card of Strength falls, you will gradually discover sides of yourself that you didn't know before. First you adjusted, now you've decided to go your own way. You are no longer bothered by the opinions of others. Even if others disapprove, you will go your own way. You stand up for yourself and accept yourself as you are. You don't have to be liked as much as you needed to be.
This card signifies a long process. When the card is drawn upside down, it usually means you're not going fast enough for real change to happen.
The Empress
The Empress expresses wordly power, but not without female influences like a sense of spirituality.
Of the four wisdoms that The Magician represents she represents the wisdom of the body and of feelings. She is compared to the love and harvest Godesses.
Place in the cycle
The Empress carries the number 3. This is the number of birth, of plenty, of harvest, of summer, of the first results. The number 3 stands for joy and fun, for creativity and fantasy, for warmth and humor.
The number 3 is a magical number; 1 is a dot, 2 a line but 3 the first number that generates space. The triangle and pyramid have positive and magical qualities. Add the numer 1 (male) to the number 2 (female) and you get 3 : the child. In many old cultures the number 3 was a holy number, generating balance and harmony.
Enjoy your good feelings and make the best of them. Recharge yourself with new energy, do fun things or be pampered by others. You've earned it.
When the card of The Empress is drawn, it means you're in tune with yourself, you have a balance between heart and mind, you're content with yourself and feel fine by yourself.
The card indicates a happy period in your life, with strength for what lies ahead.
Because you're content with yourself, you radiate that contentness to others who may pick up on it and find you attractive because of it. The card could even indicate a pregnancy.
Be careful not to get lazy or to enjoy this time passively. The good influences of the card may pass by without you capitalizing on them.
9 of Cups
The 9 of Cups represents achievement and contentment. It is an excellent time to take some rest and enjoy yourself.
By all means take some rest to enjoy your recent accomplishments.
After going through a difficult time in which you had to reconcile your own emotions, you now experience the bliss that harmony with yourself can bring.
Don't be too lazy, try to share with others what you have to offer.
2 of Swords
The 2 is an assignment number in tarot, and in this case of the 2 of Swords, it's about being forced to wait for something, often even while blindfolded in some sense.
Swords don't like to be in uncertainty, yet they will have to face it here.
Try to have some fun with other activities while you have to wait. No sense getting depressed over having to wait a bit.
You've started something, and now you have to wait for the results to show themselves. Until they arrive you will face some pressure.
Either it's not the time to wait around right now (if there's an action card elsewhere in your reading), or it's not a time to get nervous about having to wait for results that will prove to be advantagious for you (when a positive and relaxed card opposites this one)
The Sun
The Sun has been admired as God or the symbol of all life by many cultures. Without the sun there is no warmth, light or life. The Sun is seen as a very positive force.
Place in the cycle
The Sun carries the number 19, a composed value of 1. This is the third composed 1 in the Major Arcana. It's the culmination of the 1's. The third 1 is a reward and a beginning at the same time. It also represents creative energy.
With The Sun the third and final cycle of Tarot is commenced. The first cycle was the upperworld or childphase, a place to start and gain inputs. Here you gained wisdoms, knowledge and ideas. The second cycle was the underworld or adult phase or assignments phase, the hard cycle where you had to really work for gains. This third cycle that starts at The Sun, is the phase of rewards, of enjoyment of results.
Use this period in your life. If you do nothing you end up having a good time but not much else. If you use your strengths and powers of creativity, you will end reaping rewards for a much longer time.
You've gone through a difficult time with lots of searching and experimenting, and you've made it on your own. This has lead to a new sense of self-confidence in you, you're ready to take on anything, it seems.
You're too optimistic and care-free. So much that you lose track of reality somewhat.
Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords makes you aware of what you can do with alertness, objectivity, diplomacy, and your own intelligence. She will teach you how to approach your goals while also guarding yourself against dangers.
Try to fully understand the other party or parties before telling your own story. This will give you an advantage in negotiations.
This is a time of passing through dangerous territory, with constant course adjustments to stay out of danger. You'll need to stay diplomatic to avoid making too many enemies, but you should not let yourself be fooled by the plenty of people who seek to gain at your expense. Communication is your weapon.
You're trying to think about too many vectors at the same time. Your gut and feelings can provide you with help.
Reading : Rainbow
The Rainbow reading can say something about what the questioner really wants, how to get there and what to expect along the way there.
This reading does not have an expiry date, but is best drawn only once per 2 or 3 months. Drawing it more often may result in the same message from the cards.
You do not need to ask a question before drawing this reading.