Free Tarot Reading (191 decks, 9 reading types)
Here you can select any of 191 tarot decks and 9 types of readings, to play a game of tarot with for free.
Use the menu at the top of this web game to select a different deck or reading type.
If a card is upside down, that is the common notation for the opposite meaning of the card, also known as the "negative" or "reversed" meaning of the card.
The card decks for this game app, i found on a torrent site one day (a lucky day for me), and of course, as with any "stolen" copyrighted material, i will list the DMCA complaint filing address as part of my compliance with copyright laws that govern my country, right here and now :
6 of Pentacles
The 6 of Pentacles signals that help has arrived or will arrive soon. The number 6 represents security and reward. In the Earth element attached to Pentacles, this means material rewards are likely coming your way.
Now would be a good time to go out and seek some help for your project. Talk to people about your project.
You'll notice that there are people and institutions that are willing to help you along your path toward your ideal. You've managed to convince others of the worthiness of your ideas and the help you can get from them is meaningful and solid.
Don't seek help if you can solve things on your own. It's not always wise to reveal your ideals and plans to others.
Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups represents openness to your ideals. From all the ideas that you evaluated during the walk with Wands, you now have found the one you find valuable to invest your time and energy in.
The number 1, associated with this Ace card, is the number of a fresh start with yet more new impulses coming your way. It might be compared to The Fool, the first card of the major arcana.
Enjoy this time and be open to all pleasantness coming your way. Trust that the ideal you've chosen is the right one for you.
The last steps with Wands got a little constricting for you perhaps, but most of that burden has fallen off you now. And you're now appreciating the world around you more, it seems, also to others. This appreciation might make you attract even more pleasantness.
It's probably wise not to be too optimistic. If this card is next to a Swords card, it's time to be more careful and critical. If this card is next to a Coins card, it means you should be more practical and not get stuck in just thinking about your dreams and ideals.
The Fool
Only a fool would stand so close to the cliff's edge.
But the fool is on a high, thinks he can handle anything the world will throw at him. Here in lies both his strength and his weakness. One false step and the tumble down the rock face could be short or long. The fool doesn't even know how long, because he looks to the sky.
Place in the cycle
The fool is the first card in the deck, the new born heading out into the world, facing the different stages of development ahead. One can undergo many cycles during his or her life, the last card in the major arcana ('The World') always followed by The Fool for some new aspect of life to be discovered and experienced.
Don't look at practicability or feasibility for a while. Open up to your desires and dreams, without immediately trying to figure out how to realize them.
Dream all you want and figure out which dreams to realize later.
You're probably saturated by the life you now have around you.
It's time for something new, to let the child inside you boss the adult in you around a bit as it discovers these new things to explore.
Perhaps you're discouraged by your dreams, because your subconscious is telling you you're not happy with current circumstances, while your higher intellect is still OK with this situation.
The Magician
A magician is a master of illusions. He can create and destroy illusions.
Place in the cycle
It is the second card in the entire deck, and signifies the start from dream to practical idea.
It's time to talk about your ideas with others and to define them a bit more clearly.
It's time to talk about your ideas with others and to define them a bit more clearly.
Be careful that you won't be sprouting pie-in-the-sky ideas to others without following through with them.
Wheel of Fortune
A Wheel of Fortune can indicate minor or major wins, or minor or major losses. Things can go both ways.
Place in the cycle
With the Wheel of Fortune, the second major cycle of Tarot commences. The first cycle in the first cards of the deck was about development as a child, accumulating wisdoms and integrating them into your personality. This second cycle is about your development as an adult. It is a more demanding cycle. You'll have to see if you can face what the world throws at you.
Make your choice, dare to take the steps. The opportunities did not come to your doorstep randomly, and if you don't embrace them now you may regret it later.
When the card of the Wheel of Fortune falls in a reading, you will usually be well aware of it. The card brings a new challenge which, if you accept it, will guide you out of your comfort zone to new lessons.
Now is not the time to start a new adventure, leave everything as it is.
8 of Swords
The 8 of Swords is about slowly regaining strength and energy. The 8 is an assignment number, and in the element of Swords it's a bit harder than usual.
A little rest can help here, you're working through (old) emotions that prop up while you try to adapt to new ways of working (with your surroundings).
Try to balance the need for rest with the need for making progress.
You're done with those things that are not good for you, but while your mind understands it, your feelings lag behind a bit. You keep drifting back to old viewpoints, and it will take at least a little time to let go of these.
It's not needed to look at everything with pessimism. Push yourself to let go of the old and embrace the new.
8 of Wands
The 8 is the third and last assignment number. The element Fire, associated with Wands, doesn't like assignments much. It prefers to do exactly as it pleases.
Assess what possibilities and capabilities you have, have a good look around, and then decide what to do. Don't let impatience stop you from making a good choice.
You might have felt stuck for a while. Now you're entering a phase in which the chance for new experiences increases. See if you can use it to break the stalemate you were in.
Try not to seek those things that are not of direct importance to you, which can be seen as flight behavior. Do you have real responsibilities that you can't just put aside? Then focus on those.
Reading : Horse Shoe
The Horse Shoe reading attempts to answer a specific question of the player by also looking at the situation the player is in.
This reading analyzes your question in the past, present and future, and will provide a piece of advice to the player.