The Emperor
Like The Empress, this card indicates power. But instead of spiritual power, this card indicates materialistic, worldly power. The Emperor is sometimes compared to Mars, God of war and courage.
Place in the cycle
The Emperor has the number 4 attached to it. This is the number of order and structure, the number of matter; with 4 things can be built and organized.
There are 4 seasons, 4 elements, 4 wind directions. The number gives stability and orginanisation and discipline and a steady strength to get done what needs to get done.
The number 1 brings the idea, the number 4 takes it on. This also means that with this number 4 things can be decided one way or another.
While the previous card, The Empress, indicates a time to relax and enjoy, with this card it is time to get things underway and for the work to commence.
Of all the things that are heading your way you must pick just a few or even just one to focus on. Get your goals into focus and stick to your goals. Be careful not to get distracted.
This card falls in a time when you're busy and facing challenges. This means there is a lot to do and a large need to organise and structure your activities.
You feel strong and full of energy, you have willpower and selfdiscipline and an ability to close yourself to distractions.
Don't be too rigid, you can't achieve your goals with just strength, often wisdom and knowledge are needed as well.
8 of Pentacles
The 8 of Pentacles is about keeping up the hard work you're doing, and trying to be happy about doing that work at the same time. While the 3 of Pentacles is about completing a masterpiece, the 8 of Pentacles is about doing the apprentice work that makes you a master of your trade.
Even though everyone gets tempted to just abandon their sometimes boring hard work in search of adventure, now is not the time for you to seek adventure. You'll reap rewards you might not even realize from this hard work, when it's done.
The work you're doing at the moment has become boring to you, as a lot of work often becomes to anyone. You may feel an urge to let your project slide and focus on something new. Consider what you'll gain if you'd complete the boring work, though, before abandoning it or letting what you've accomplished so far degrade by a period of stagnation.
Don't turn your work or project into a prison. A brief period of laziness might serve to bring your attention to new opportunities, related to your project or not.
Ace of Wands
The ace of wands represents the beginning of an idea. The element fire and the number 1 give a powerful combination: enterprise and new beginnings apply to both. This is an energetic combination, which is why the card is generally considered a positive one. Spring is the season associated with this card.
Try to focus on just one or two (new) things, it would be a shame to let all this new energy be divided over so many things not much progress is made with any of them.
Once you've decided, move ahead with full force, do what you like and don't worry about a thing.
You're filled with new energy. Energy to undertake new endeavours in your life, sometimes maybe a bit too many at the same time even. Your attention could be flowing from one flower to the next, the next even more beautiful than the previous one.
One early flower doesn't mean it's full on Spring just yet. You are probably a bit premature by taking on new things and ideas right now, you have things to work out before you move on.
Strength is the second of the four midieval values. Justice, card 11, is the first, and the third, Temperance, is card 14.
Place in the cycle
In the Rider-Waite deck, the cards for Justice and Strenght have swapped places, because Waite saw links between the cards and the astrological signs Leo and Libra.
This card carries the number 8, and is the third and final assignment number. This assignment is no longer simple like the first two, but is all about standing upright in the real world.
Stand up for yourself and don't bother yourself with others' opinions of you.
When the card of Strength falls, you will gradually discover sides of yourself that you didn't know before. First you adjusted, now you've decided to go your own way. You are no longer bothered by the opinions of others. Even if others disapprove, you will go your own way. You stand up for yourself and accept yourself as you are. You don't have to be liked as much as you needed to be.
This card signifies a long process. When the card is drawn upside down, it usually means you're not going fast enough for real change to happen.
3 of Swords
The 3 of Swords is about assertiveness.
Sometimes you just shouldn't ignore those others that do you harm (conciously or not). Sometimes you should face them and force them to respect you.
Now is definately the time to get more assertive with someone who's probably testing you for a while now. Some people just won't quit until you tell them to, so you'd better tell them quite early.
You've cropped up your feelings for too long, and you feel like telling someone who's been testing you the full truth today. Probably not a bad idea to show them you've had enough.
Don't be too vigorous in your complaints to others right now. Either the time is not right, or you're planning to bark up the wrong tree.
4 of Swords
4 is the first number in the cycle of giving things shape. It's about making things real. The element of Swords also relates to making things real, so this enhances the effect so much that arrogance can cause you to exhaust yourself.
Right now you probably could use some rest. It doesn't mean you should fall asleep, but both your body and your mind can use some rest before embarking on the next steps.
Learn to trust the signals your own body sends you. If you need rest, take rest soon. Don't work yourself into a burnout.
You might have been asking too much of yourself lately. Take a rest now or face true exhaustion just a little later.
You've rested enough, it's time to get back to work.
Ace of Swords
Swords represent the element Air, and relate to one's intellect, intelligence, and ability to communicate with others.
In the previous suit, Cups, you have chosen your next ideal to pursue. In the Swords suit it is time to face the world and try to make this ideal a reality.
The Ace of Swords carries the number 1, and is the first chance to inventorise what challenges the world around you and the people in it will throw at you when you try to make your chosen ideal a reality.
Try not to make commitments too soon, first have a good look around to see all the actors and forces on the field.
You have to take a good look around to see what's worth pursuing earlier, and what can wait until later.
You're too negative about either or both yourself and your surroundings.
8 of Swords
The 8 of Swords is about slowly regaining strength and energy. The 8 is an assignment number, and in the element of Swords it's a bit harder than usual.
A little rest can help here, you're working through (old) emotions that prop up while you try to adapt to new ways of working (with your surroundings).
Try to balance the need for rest with the need for making progress.
You're done with those things that are not good for you, but while your mind understands it, your feelings lag behind a bit. You keep drifting back to old viewpoints, and it will take at least a little time to let go of these.
It's not needed to look at everything with pessimism. Push yourself to let go of the old and embrace the new.
The World
The world is large, but not as large as the galaxy or the universe.
The person in the center of the card has completed many journeys already, and is completely at ease. Yet she continues to move, for having reached your goals is no reason to stop moving.
Place in the cycle
The World carries the number 21. As a composed number that is 3. The World is the third 3 in the Major Arcana. 3 is a reward number, so the third 3 must be even more powerful.
This card falls when you've completed all assignments, overcome all obstacles and are completely at peace with yourself due to your accomplishments. Yet Tarot wouldn't be Tarot if it didn't challenge you to enter entirely new worlds and start the process all over again.
Use your abilities to see into yourself, others and situations. Reconnect with your inner child and go back to The Fool, the first card in the deck, to learn yet new aspects of life.
This card doesn't get drawn often in readings. When it does, it means you're entering a very important period in your life. You've reached a point where you're able to rise above yourself, to reach new heights. You're at peace with all that has happened, and your negative emotions find a (hopefully gentle) way out by themselves.
This card is not so much negative or positive, as it is special. It's the threshold between past and future.
This might not be the moment to embark on a new journey, something in your (recent) past is as yet unsolved.
3 of Pentacles
This card is about completing a masterpiece, it's the output number of the production cycle after all.
It's a chance to show the world what you're capable of.
Don't let this opportunity to show off your skills slip by.
You have received, or will soon receive, a valuable opportunity where you perhaps can gain some free advertising if you do the job well.
Although you might receive an opportunity to do some high-profile work, this is not the perfect time for you to be very ambitious in this (new?) field, you've yet to master the craft.