Page of Pentacles
Pages explore and gather information about the road ahead, with an almost naive attitude. The Page of Pentacles is sometimes described as a bridge builder; Pentacles is the suit where the actual work is done, and the Page here enables those that follow to quickly cross difficult terrain.
Don't do anything reckless right now, you need to consider carefully what each likely outcome of each of your potential choices is. Consider the other forces at play in your field carefully as well.
Either things have been fairly chaotic for you lately, or you're facing one of your more murky choices, when this card falls. If things have been chaotic, this card will bring some rest and clarity. If you're facing a difficult choice, it'll help you take the time to carefully consider your options.
You could want security and clarity _too_ much, you know. Sometimes a bit of chaos and unclarity can be fun and exciting, while allowing you to find options you haven't considered yet.
If this card falls upside down (or, in a "negative" way), don't crave clarity and securities; embrace adventure instead.
5 of Swords
The 5 of Swords is about facing reality. The 5 is an assignment number, and in the slighly more difficult suit of Swords, it means you face a difficult challenge where your past experiences could hold you down.
Try to figure out what it is that keeps you held down, then turn this weakness to a strength for dealing with the situations just ahead.
You're working on new problems on your road to your ideal, but something from your past could be holding you down. Don't give up because of this, try to adapt to conquer the next problems on your road.
Try to let the past rest, and focus completely on what's ahead with as clean a slate as possible. The past is too much of an anchor on your leg right now.
Strength is the second of the four midieval values. Justice, card 11, is the first, and the third, Temperance, is card 14.
Place in the cycle
In the Rider-Waite deck, the cards for Justice and Strenght have swapped places, because Waite saw links between the cards and the astrological signs Leo and Libra.
This card carries the number 8, and is the third and final assignment number. This assignment is no longer simple like the first two, but is all about standing upright in the real world.
Stand up for yourself and don't bother yourself with others' opinions of you.
When the card of Strength falls, you will gradually discover sides of yourself that you didn't know before. First you adjusted, now you've decided to go your own way. You are no longer bothered by the opinions of others. Even if others disapprove, you will go your own way. You stand up for yourself and accept yourself as you are. You don't have to be liked as much as you needed to be.
This card signifies a long process. When the card is drawn upside down, it usually means you're not going fast enough for real change to happen.
Knight of Wands
The Knights often show a flurry of activity. They go out and make things happen. The cautious behavior of Pages is not shown by Knights, but they don't burden the weight of responsibilities that Kings have.
The Knight of Wands likes action and progress, but isn't too concerned with the usefulness of his actions or the ramifications to those around him.
Have a good long look at whatever is coming your way when this card falls. It's probably worth your attention and activity.
You might be feeling a lot of youthful energy in yourself as this card falls. You radiate this to others who might be infected by your enthousiasm. Just try to stay realistic.
When this card falls upside-down, you might be a bit too impulsive and careless at the moment. Try to take a moments rest to evaluate where exactly you're going.
The Hanged Man
Inclusion of The Hanged Man in the Tarot could mean that Tarot has it's origins in Scandinavian mythology.
In the Edda is described how Odin hung himself upside down from the Yggdrasil, the tree of transformation, for nine days and nights, to better understand the runes.
This card can therefore be seen as a link to rune laying, another yet somewhat more mysterious divination tool.
But these observations can not serve as proof for Scandinavian origins for the Tarot.
Place in the cycle
This card has the number 12 attached to it, the composed value of which is 3 (an output number).
The year has 12 months, and therefore this card can be seen having a reference to the passing of time.
The Hanged Man is the first (composed) 3 in the second major cycle.
First you learned that you're not a plaything of fate, that you can make your own choices. Then you've learned how to fend for yourself and face yourself. Now, at The Hanged Man, you can learn to let go. You no longer have to cling to old values. You've found strength in yourself and by letting go, you allow growth.
This is the reward of the first output number (3) of the second cycle. The numbers 10, 11 and 12 may be seen as the gateway to the underworld. From 13, here, this underworld is truely entered.
Allow things to happen to you, don't resist them. Follow your feelings and discard practical objections for a while. You're on the eve of a major transformation in your life.
When this card is drawn, you've reached a point of giving up your resistance to change. You allow fate to take over for a while, and things to happen to you. You've got enough self-confidence to realise you'll make the right choice for yourself in whatever circumstances.
Keep your feet on the ground and don't jump into any adventure right now.
The World
The world is large, but not as large as the galaxy or the universe.
The person in the center of the card has completed many journeys already, and is completely at ease. Yet she continues to move, for having reached your goals is no reason to stop moving.
Place in the cycle
The World carries the number 21. As a composed number that is 3. The World is the third 3 in the Major Arcana. 3 is a reward number, so the third 3 must be even more powerful.
This card falls when you've completed all assignments, overcome all obstacles and are completely at peace with yourself due to your accomplishments. Yet Tarot wouldn't be Tarot if it didn't challenge you to enter entirely new worlds and start the process all over again.
Use your abilities to see into yourself, others and situations. Reconnect with your inner child and go back to The Fool, the first card in the deck, to learn yet new aspects of life.
This card doesn't get drawn often in readings. When it does, it means you're entering a very important period in your life. You've reached a point where you're able to rise above yourself, to reach new heights. You're at peace with all that has happened, and your negative emotions find a (hopefully gentle) way out by themselves.
This card is not so much negative or positive, as it is special. It's the threshold between past and future.
This might not be the moment to embark on a new journey, something in your (recent) past is as yet unsolved.
3 of Cups
The 3 of Cups represents hope, faith and love. The 3 is a reward number and in this suit of Cups your feelings during that number will be that of joy and self-contentment.
This card will test your abilities to enjoy hope, faith and love, in the widest. Let go of all doubts and enjoy the comfort of the innocence of a child who believes all will turn out for the best.
You might be feeling a lot of optimism about the future, and this is not unjustified, even though parts of the world might believe differently.
You can go overboard with enthousiasm and optimism as well. If this card falls in a negative, upside-down way, try to be more realistic, so you don't get disappointed later.
4 of Pentacles
The 4 of Pentacles is about holding on to what you got. The number 4 represents structure and order, and fits well with the suit's element, Earth.
Try to make a list of what you have, and what you would like to have. It'll help bring some clarity, probably.
Holding on to what you have can often result in a tense attitude. But you can hold on in a relaxed fashion as well, if you remind yourself regularly at first.
Beware that you don't become too cramped while you're trying to hold on to what you have. Try to relax and allow others their fun as well.
Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords lacks the naivety of the Knight of Wands, he has analyzed the terrain ahead and weighed his options there. He knows what his own nature can throw into the mix, but does not let himself be held idle by that. The activities ahead will likely include the solving of conflicts and problems on your road to your ideal.
Don't avoid any confrontation right now. Face it head on and let yourself be heard.
There will be some problems and possibly some confrontations on the next leg of your journey. You're advised to fight for your rights, but with constant attention to where the stream of events is heading. Stay relaxed enough to deal effectively with unexpected events.
Don't be too aggressive, or you'll scare away those that can help you. You don't always need violence to solve problems or conflicts.