Ace of Wands
The ace of wands represents the beginning of an idea. The element fire and the number 1 give a powerful combination: enterprise and new beginnings apply to both. This is an energetic combination, which is why the card is generally considered a positive one. Spring is the season associated with this card.
Try to focus on just one or two (new) things, it would be a shame to let all this new energy be divided over so many things not much progress is made with any of them.
Once you've decided, move ahead with full force, do what you like and don't worry about a thing.
You're filled with new energy. Energy to undertake new endeavours in your life, sometimes maybe a bit too many at the same time even. Your attention could be flowing from one flower to the next, the next even more beautiful than the previous one.
One early flower doesn't mean it's full on Spring just yet. You are probably a bit premature by taking on new things and ideas right now, you have things to work out before you move on.
3 of Swords
The 3 of Swords is about assertiveness.
Sometimes you just shouldn't ignore those others that do you harm (conciously or not). Sometimes you should face them and force them to respect you.
Now is definately the time to get more assertive with someone who's probably testing you for a while now. Some people just won't quit until you tell them to, so you'd better tell them quite early.
You've cropped up your feelings for too long, and you feel like telling someone who's been testing you the full truth today. Probably not a bad idea to show them you've had enough.
Don't be too vigorous in your complaints to others right now. Either the time is not right, or you're planning to bark up the wrong tree.
5 of Swords
The 5 of Swords is about facing reality. The 5 is an assignment number, and in the slighly more difficult suit of Swords, it means you face a difficult challenge where your past experiences could hold you down.
Try to figure out what it is that keeps you held down, then turn this weakness to a strength for dealing with the situations just ahead.
You're working on new problems on your road to your ideal, but something from your past could be holding you down. Don't give up because of this, try to adapt to conquer the next problems on your road.
Try to let the past rest, and focus completely on what's ahead with as clean a slate as possible. The past is too much of an anchor on your leg right now.
Strength is the second of the four midieval values. Justice, card 11, is the first, and the third, Temperance, is card 14.
Place in the cycle
In the Rider-Waite deck, the cards for Justice and Strenght have swapped places, because Waite saw links between the cards and the astrological signs Leo and Libra.
This card carries the number 8, and is the third and final assignment number. This assignment is no longer simple like the first two, but is all about standing upright in the real world.
Stand up for yourself and don't bother yourself with others' opinions of you.
When the card of Strength falls, you will gradually discover sides of yourself that you didn't know before. First you adjusted, now you've decided to go your own way. You are no longer bothered by the opinions of others. Even if others disapprove, you will go your own way. You stand up for yourself and accept yourself as you are. You don't have to be liked as much as you needed to be.
This card signifies a long process. When the card is drawn upside down, it usually means you're not going fast enough for real change to happen.
6 of Cups
The 6 of Cups is about having confidence in something. It is the number of security and harmony. In the suit of Cups this means to be in harmony with yourself.
Learn to have enough confidence in yourself so that you will attract good events in your life. You don't always need to pull the cart yourself.
You're content with yourself, you know that after a storm the sun will probably shine, and you radiate this to others who will think better of you because of this.
Try to stay realistic, it's not wise to have blind faith in that everything will turn out fine. Sometimes you need to pull or the push the cart yourself indeed.
Page of Pentacles
Pages explore and gather information about the road ahead, with an almost naive attitude. The Page of Pentacles is sometimes described as a bridge builder; Pentacles is the suit where the actual work is done, and the Page here enables those that follow to quickly cross difficult terrain.
Don't do anything reckless right now, you need to consider carefully what each likely outcome of each of your potential choices is. Consider the other forces at play in your field carefully as well.
Either things have been fairly chaotic for you lately, or you're facing one of your more murky choices, when this card falls. If things have been chaotic, this card will bring some rest and clarity. If you're facing a difficult choice, it'll help you take the time to carefully consider your options.
You could want security and clarity _too_ much, you know. Sometimes a bit of chaos and unclarity can be fun and exciting, while allowing you to find options you haven't considered yet.
If this card falls upside down (or, in a "negative" way), don't crave clarity and securities; embrace adventure instead.
The Chariot
The Chariot is pulled through the city with the conqueror on it to signal a big win to a large audience.
Place in the cycle
This card has the number 7 attached to it, the "lucky number" in Western Culture. It was and is seen as a magical and holy number. But it also encourages growth.
During the prevous card, The Lovers, all the wisdom of the first cards in the deck has been processed and a choice was made for personal growth. Now it's time to do something with all this baggage, to actually travel the road. A lot has been done so far, wisdoms have been accumulated and integrated into one's personality.
The time to let others tell you what to do is over, you're ready to grow on your own. But remember; you'll have to work for growth, it won't just be given to you.
You've probably gone through a time when you were growing toward something that (subconciously or not) scared you (a bit). Now you're ready to really grow toward the new, toward the exciting, and you're telling nearly everyone with enthousiasm and some naivety perhaps.
However, you run the risk of getting stuck in showboasting. You may claim all sorts of things, and then when push comes to shove you may neglect to make the necessary steps.
Now is not the time to be reckless. Look at things objectively and don't rush into adventure.
7 of Swords
The 7 of Swords is about making slow progress because you can't trust the situation and/or people around you.
Now is a good time for a little extra relaxation, to take the edge off. Make sure you sleep and eat properly, and solicit the advice of those you do trust.
You're not exactly sure who and what you can trust right now, but by being cautious you can still make some progress, even if it's not as much or as fast as you'd like.
You're too distrusting at the moment, it's probably wise to give anyone the benefit of the doubt at least once.
King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles uses his Earthly attributes to rule. He goes about his work like an old style business man; he avoids unnecessary risks, aims for real results, and acts from confidence.
Keep doing what you're doing. Trust yourself and the support of your loved ones.
You're working without exhausting yourself, with support from your loved ones, and working on right-sized tasks that bring you closer to your ideal.
And you're even likely to have (a lot of) fun while you work too.
You could be too careful to avoid risks at the moment. Taking risks often brings a chance for receiving rewards, provided that you don't blindly gamble.